Saturday, November 26, 2011

Finding Inspiration

Finding inspiration is really an oxymoron because the root words of inspiration mean to be "in spirit" or from my perspective, to be in full awareness of the oneness that connects all of life. Hawaiians truely lived from this space, from the knowing and honoring all that surrounds us, and therefore our multitude of traditions and protocol reflect the honoring of all that is living and all that makes up our environment. So really when I "look" for inspiration, what I'm really doing is just tapping into the stories that all things and people want to share, including the furniture I upcycle. Your home, and flow within your home has a story. You have a story. The people who came before you had a story. It is not that those stories are lost when you move into a new space, it is just that the energies have shifted and now you add to those stories by creating new experiences.'s the million dollar question, "what would you like to experience within your environment?" "how do YOU personally want your life to reflect your inner smile?". When you can go within, and as we say 'listen to your naʻau', is where you will find YOUR inspiration. For me, one of my greatest sources of inspiration is turning to my past, our past, Hawaii's past! "Nana I ke Kumu" - Look to the source. Kumu can mean source, it can mean teacher, it can reference a tree, but in Hawaiian thought, and what is expressed here in this Noʻeau reflects the concept of looking to our ancestors who were our source of knowledge and our wisdom keepers. So I found great strength in the words on my first piece "Kūlia i ka nuʻu" - strive for the summit. Look it up, seek out the ike behind it for yourself. Find meaning that applies to you, for you, through the poetic words that our ancestors left us. Other than that, this piece is special to me because I love to see my goals and visions in front of me, and I love organization! So I see this as a working vision board, or an idea board, or a to-do list board that inspires and motivates you! I hope you love it as much as I do! Aloha, Kamaile

Completed my first project and have it in Kai Boutique in Kailua!

2'x4' Vintage Frame upcycled into a beautiful magnetic chalkboard with Hawaiian Kalo artwork and a Hawaiian No`eau "Kulia i ka nu`u - Strive for the Summit" - Queen Kapi`olani's personal motto. On sale now at Kai Boutique in Kailua on Oahu! Go check it out!
or you can email me directly at
Price of $249 includes -
Support of local artist; Cost of used frame; Supplies to make it pretty; Hours spent working on sanding, painting & artwork; Rent; Electricity; Employees of Shop owner; Food on my table, 2 unique upcycled magnets... and last but not least "your priceless contribution to keeping this item out of our precious landfill! - Malama Aina, Malama Pono."

Our Homes are an extension of our MANA.
Mahalo for your support & purchase,
